Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Unique Arts & Crafts Projects - Great Ideas For Creative Things to Do at Home

Nothing fills children's time better than unique arts & crafts projects. Hands on activities such as these promote creativity as well as small and large motor skills. Children also learn how to organize themselves and follow directions.

Insect Projects

Kids and insects go hand in hand. Rare is the child that shies away from ants, ladybugs or spiders, as they are simply curious about their world and all that inhabit it. What better way to draw on this spirit of adventure and curiosity than by completing an insect project!

Unique Arts & Crafts Projects - Great Ideas For Creative Things to Do at Home

The Butterfly Mobile is unique in that it does not just feature butterflies, but their life cycle as well. This adds another dimension to the child's learning. Items needed are several sheets of different colored construction paper, a gift tag, scissors, pencil, glue, string (or yarn), paper plate, markers, paint or crayons, and tape (or stapler).

The base of this project is the paper plate. Cut a spiral circle out of the plate, and then decorate it with the crayons, markers and/or paint. Using a piece of green paper cut out a leaf. This leaf represents the first stage of the butterfly's life. The next step is to glue or tape "butterfly eggs" to the bottom of the leaf. Eggs can be created by small paper circles created by hole punches, or cut them yourself. Butterfly eggs can be white, green or yellow and are usually circular or oval. These should be clustered on the underside of the leaf.

Use another (perhaps darker) shade of green paper in the shape of a caterpillar. Decorate the caterpillar with the markers. Wiggle eyes can be used if desired.

Use a brown piece of paper to cut out a pupa (like a cocoon), decorate it.

Next create the butterfly wings by folding a colorful piece of paper in half and cutting a heart shape (without the point) out of it. Make the body of the butterfly out of a darker color paper. Have fun decorating the butterfly wings.

Staple, tape or glue the string to the spiral paper plate and attach all of the butterfly's life's stages!

Ocean Project

Unique arts & crafts projects are fun and interesting for children, especially when sea life is incorporated. Cup of Fish is a fun, colorful project any child will enjoy, and they will be able to eat it, too!

For this project you'll need: blue jello, clear plastic cups, gummy fish and an appetite. Make the jello as per the directions on the box; fill the cups to about halfway, store away in the refrigerator for about an hour (they need to set only partially). Put a few of the gummy fish inside the jello before it has set completely. Complete the setting process in the refrigerator, then enjoy! This can also be done with Popsicle molds, as well as a large punch bowl. An edible aquarium!

Holiday Project

Unique arts & crafts projects can be used for holidays and special occasions as well. The Festive Napkin Ring can be used anytime there is a special gathering for family and friends. Items needed are felt, (one should be green and the other can be any color), scissors, and a pencil. Create a template for each piece required for the ring. One looks like a large dog bone, and the other two are four-petaled flowers, one small, one medium sized. Using the templates, trace around the felt then cut. Make a small slit in the flower shaped felt pieces only. The green felt should be used for the larger of the flower shaped pieces. Slip the green piece onto the bone piece, and then slip the other flower shape inside the green piece. This creates a blossomed flower effect. Slip the other end of the bone piece through the two flower pieces, completing the circle or ring. Grab a napkin, insert into the ring and you've got yourself a festive napkin holder!

Unique Arts & Crafts Projects - Great Ideas For Creative Things to Do at Home
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Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about unique arts & crafts projects [http://amusingcrafts.info/unique-arts-crafts-projects-great-ideas-for-creative-things-to-do-at-home], please visit Amusing Crafts [http://amusingcrafts.info] for current articles and discussions.

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