Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Creativity Habit - Learn The Secret To A Life Of Abundant & Enjoyable Creativity

The reason behind why most of us get stuck in our creative projects and lives is a lack of consistency. Because we don't create regularly, it feels harder to come up with ideas and find any kind of momentum and flow when we DO try to create. Which means, over time, we develop negative associations with creating that turn us away from it even more.

So as well as the difficulty we have in coming up with ideas and creating anything meaningful, we also gradually only think of creating as something that causes us a lot of struggle and pain. Hardly the right set of circumstances for enjoyable and abundant creating!

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The best way to break this negative cycle is to build creativity habits that aren't just a quick fix or stop gap solution, but a system for life.

The Creativity Habit - Learn The Secret To A Life Of Abundant & Enjoyable Creativity

Now, many creative people run a mile at the sound of phrases like "habit" and "system" and believe that having anything so rigid and structured will stifle their creativity.

This is understandable on a surface level, but when we look a bit deeper it's a concern that simply doesn't stand up.

For example, say you were an athlete. To get into your best physical condition, you need to train every day, right? Does that mean you have to go to the same gym and do the same exercises day in and day out for the rest of your life? Of course not! Maybe one day you go to the gym for some weights training, maybe the next day you go for a run in the local park. The day after you might go swimming, and the next day play squash doubles with 3 friends. Dancing and Yoga classes take up the next two days, and the 7th day you cycle.

As you can see, although the system of daily exercise is in place, you can make it as fun and varied as you want. The system provides that consistent, reliable framework that then ALLOWS you to be more flexible and inventive with what you actually do to get your daily exercise.

On top of this, if you want to add an extra session here and there, it's far easier because you've built up an underlying level of fitness, you're used to being active and enjoy it. It's not the huge struggle it would be if you only tried to go running once a month for example.

A creativity habit is exactly the same. Commit to creating for a minimum of 15 minutes at the same time each day, and after a month you'll have in place a powerful habit for life.

The more regularly you create, the easier it becomes to create. And, most crucially, the more you ENJOY creating again. You dramatically reduce the pressure on yourself to create because you know if a creative project or experiment doesn't work out today, you'll learn from it and try something slightly different tomorrow.

Plus, you built up an underlying level of creativity - in effect keeping your "creativity muscles" toned and strong - that makes it easier to create freely and spontaneously in extra sessions when you want to.

You can start your creativity habit today.

Pick a time of day to create for 15 minutes that's going to work best for you and create everyday for the next 14 days at least. The difference you'll see in your attitude and enjoyment of creating will amaze you.

The Creativity Habit - Learn The Secret To A Life Of Abundant & Enjoyable Creativity

And to give your creativity the kick start it needs, I invite you to download your free copy of the powerful and practical Explode Your Creativity! Action Workbook at

From Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin.

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