Tuesday, January 29, 2013

How to Express Thanks in Words

Words convey our feelings and a thank you message conveys our gratitude and appreciation. We express our thanks on various occasions like birthdays, weddings, bridal showers, baby showers, holiday greetings, anniversaries, retirement parties, graduation greetings, etc. Business relationships are based on recognition and thank you messages convey we value them. Volunteers, teachers, doctors, people who help to make our life easier should be acknowledged and thanked.

We should never forget to give our thanks to people who conveyed their sympathies at times of difficulties. A simple "THANK YOU" hand written in thank you cards does show your thoughtfulness but when you take the effort to add a few more words the thank you card becomes more special.

When we receive gifts the happiness is wonderful.Why don't we specify this with words describing the thoughtfulness of that particular gift.Add a note how you found the gift useful or that it was in your wish list so that the person who took the effort to buy you the gift will feel his choice was appreciated.

How to Express Thanks in Words

Be grateful to services you receive and send your words of appreciation immediately. Let you words convey your genuine gratefulness.Simple sentences with expressions that you value them make them feel their job was well done.

Compliment your business associates with words describing how helpful and useful their association is. Thank your staff for the help in projects and show your appreciation of their extra efforts with words. A word of appreciation and recognition gives more satisfaction than monetary benefits.

Funeral thank you notes are difficult but take time to thank the people who stood by at times of sorrow by explaining how their presence gave you strength. We can use quotes in our thank you cards to express our emotions. Quotes are words of wisdom by many learned scholars and spiritual teachers that we can use to convey our thoughts with the right words.

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Thank you quotes by famous writers lighten your work of adding the special touch to your thank you cards.You can find a great choice of thank you quotes, thank you messages, thank you cards, thank you postcards, thank you business cards, thank you postage here http://www.squidoo.com/Thank-you-Quotes to help you express your gratitude effectively.

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Friday, January 25, 2013

Midlife Crisis In Women

Life is a cycle of seasons, and the transitions between seasons can be worrisome. Often there may be minor disruptions in life style, which are soon resolved. But when they persist, there is a crisis. Midlife is one such period which has been recognized as a period of potential crisis.
Midlife sets in somewhere between the end of the 30s and the late 40s. It is distinct from the premenopausal years that occur later. Up till the 1900s, only about 10% of women reached middle age. Their roles were well defined within the limited sphere of home and family, as wife, mother, domestic drudge. Midlife crisis was unheard of.

However, the 20th century has seen an incredible lengthening of the life span, with women living well into their 7th or 8th decade. So, around 40 years or thereabouts, when the business of child bearing is over, and children begin to assert their independence, there looms before women a stretch of life that appears to be like a vacuum. Husbands may also be passing through their own midlife crisis, and are like irritable hedgehogs. Or in a reversal of roles, they become overly dependent on their wives. Women begin to feel trapped.

A woman may feel that life is passing her by. "Who am I?" she wonders. "Does my life count for anything?" An inexplicable loneliness overcomes her as though she has no real self identity. Conscious of her gradually fading beauty and energy, she sinks into depression. This feeling of worthlessness is compounded if there is marital dissatisfaction. The 20th century saw revolutionary changes taking place in every aspect of life. Education, employment outside the home, collapse of the joint family system, migration to the impersonal atmosphere of cities, changing sex roles, women's liberation movements, youth culture, and rapid advances in Science and technology - these have created a kind of insecurity in the traditional woman. As she tries to keep pace with changing times, stress becomes her portion.

Midlife Crisis In Women

It is against this background that Midlife Crisis assumes significance. Whether single, married or widowed, almost 2/3rds of women pass through this phase. A career oriented spinster high up in the Management hierarchy suddenly decided that she cannot live alone anymore. She conjures up pictures of being incarcerated in some Home for the Aged, and the prospect alarms her. So she frantically advertises in the newspapers for a suitable spouse, and may imprudently select an undesirable mate, or enter into a live-in relationship. A sober middle aged widow may decide to give herself a new image. She may visit a beautician to have her hair styled, her eyebrows plucked, and her wrinkles ironed out with Botox. She may even begin to use heavy make-up and dress like a teenager. She may flirt outrageously with eligible men, or have an affair with someone younger than her son. People notice, gossip and snigger, but the woman throws propriety to the winds, and is brazen about her behavior.

A spinster with unfulfilled maternal desires may decide to have a baby out of wedlock or offer to 'rent her womb.' Some psychologists say that Midlife Crisis is just a convenient excuse for irresponsible behavior. But it can be argued that if this was the case, why wait till middle age to indulge one's self? Middle Age is merely a transitory phase, and is not something to be feared but welcomed. Crisis usually occurs when there is a lack of preparation. E. M. Blaicklock says "Middle Age is the time when life's fruits begin to ripen."

It must be prepared for. It is a time to take stock of one's self, and examine one's life style. One needs to identify factors that can contribute to a crisis and address them individually. Is there fear of losing one's youth, sex appeal and beauty? Do a few strands of grey, or sagging breasts or weight gain create panic? One psychiatrist says, "Feeling good and looking good is related to a balance between mind and body." And Longfellow assures us that "Age is no less an opportunity than youth itself, though in another dress."
Exercise, a balanced diet, relaxation, and a general interest in the world around, will put the radiance back into middle aged faces.

Has the marriage relationship become boring? Then one needs to put more effort into changing it. A little more loving, communication and caring can go a long way in setting things right. The husband may also be passing through midlife crisis and may be disinterested or unable to respond to her feelings. A woman must therefore verbalize her needs directly and specifically, making him understand that she is passing through a difficult phase and wants his understanding and love. A good husband will not only be emotionally supportive of his wife, but also give her the space she needs to develop her sense of self worth. If a woman is suddenly widowed in middle age, her depression may increase. Or she might rush into an affair which is not a sensible thing to do while under stress.

For a woman who has spent the best years of her life being an exemplary mother, who has found identity and fulfillment in her children, the realization that they don't need her anymore, and a wide generation gap is developing between them, makes her feel marginalized and useless. Midlife is also a time when one becomes vulnerable healthwise. Diseases like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, the need for diet restriction, medication, exercise, make her conscious of her mortality. She begins to brood over her situation and gets bogged down in self pity. Dwindling money resources and stringencies brought on by retirement, also pose a threat to her peace of mind.
All these stress factors have a snowballing effect, which can undermine a woman's self confidence and bring about altered behavior like, depression, irritability, irrational behavior, assertiveness or abnormal sexual interest. In fact, this phase is like passing through a 'second emotional adolescence.'

Anticipating and preparing for middle age can make the transition smoother. Life doesn't end at that stage. Floyd and Thatcher say, "Middle Age is a time for discovery, not stagnation. It is a time ripe for fresh beginnings - a threshold to a rich stimulating future. If approached with good humour and flexibility, and an openness to change, the middle years and beyond can be the best half of life." Life has many different seasons. At each season a woman needs to reassess her values from different perspectives. Whether single, married or widowed, she needs to bloom in her own identity, and not be a rubber stamp of her husband or a door mat for her children; nor should she let herself be exploited even by her own family. She too must be a decision maker and assert herself when necessary.

Hobbies and new interests make life interesting. "Unlock your creativity," exhorts Ann Morrow Lindbergh. Music, reading, travel, painting are mood elevators.

Good friends are assets in difficult times. They act as confidantes or as sounding boards when one needs to get something off one's chest. They lend support in times of stress and depression. Groups like "Emotions Anonymous" help its members to open up and talk about their problems. They learn from each other's experiences and help each other mutually, to redefine their ideas and values. They become happy and confident. Artificial props like drugs and alcohol are not the answer, neither is an extra marital affair a solution. It may only lead to guilt feelings that are hard to shake off.

Husbands and children must realize that their supportive love can work magic in overcoming midlife crisis. But unless a woman verbalizes her needs and fears, they cannot know.
Finding time for introspection, refusing to condemn one's self for imaginary short comings, and an awareness of the temporary nature of such a crisis, is half way to overcoming it. People tend to put God last when faced with a crisis. Paul's words in Philippians 3:13 are encouraging. "I am still not all I should be, but I am bringing all my energies to bear out one thing; forgetting the past, and looking to what lies ahead." Prayer surmounts many a crisis.

Midlife is the pre- autumn season of one's life. Autumn is sure to follow, and will light up one's personality with the golden hues of maturity and peace. Life will begin again with a new vision for what is left of the future.

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Eva Bell is a doctor of Medicine and also a freelance writer of articles, short stories, children stories. Published in Indian magazines and newspapers, anthologies and also on the web. Author of two novels, one non-fiction, two children's books. Special interest - Travel and Women's Issues.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Expand Your Creativity and Make Yourself Smarter Using these 8 Strategies

It is now commonly accepted that collectively, our brain works by utilizing billions of neural inter-connections along an almost infinite variety of pathways to manage our intellectual capacities. The more inter-connections we have, the better or more efficiently our brains perform functions like solving problems or developing creative thought. Scientists know, but can’t explain exactly how the process works, but if you study mathematics, your musical ability improves. If you read extensively your ability to develop new physical skills or artistic abilities is augmented. This being so, we can therefore literally make ourselves “smarter” by increasing the quantities of inter-connections in our brain.

But how exactly do we go about improving our mental ability? By strengthening one or more areas of our brain which are lesser developed. If you’re an avid reader, study art. If you love all things musical, increment your nature studies. Are you an athlete? Increase your music appreciation and other areas of intellectual prowess will follow. It may sound strange and illogical, but it works. Here are six of the nine strongest “intelligences” and how they influence personality, character and ability. Note how each one can be strengthened and expanded using simple activities practiced on a regular basis.

1. Verbal - Linguistic Intelligence

Expand Your Creativity and Make Yourself Smarter Using these 8 Strategies

People whose brains are highly developed in this area are avid readers, like to write and
do crosswords. They are also successful language learners. To expand your skills in this
intelligence, do crosswords, word finds and other word games and puzzles. Delve into poetry or write essays and articles. (Now there's an idea) Try some verbal - linguistic types of activities online at:

• Puzzle Maker website http://www.puzzlemaker.com

• Hot Potatoes website for creating puzzles

2. Visual - Spatial Intelligence

If you love flashy colors, are an artist who paints, draws, creates or crafts, then your brain is highly - developed in this area. If you're not, then learn to draw, cartoon or do jigsaw puzzles and you'll increment stimulation to this part of your brain. Visit these websites for more info and to try your hand at some visual - spatial activities:

• Crosswords Kit home page http://www.crosswordkit.com/

• Jigsaw puzzle free downloads http://zone.msn.com/deluxegames/

3. Musical - Rhythmic Intelligence

Musicians, singers, rappers and poets unite! You're all focused in on the musical - rhythmic intelligence. These people typically play a musical instrument, sing, whistle, and hum. They love limericks and music in all its forms. You who aspire to greater mental facility could take music lessons, learn and recite nursery rhymes to your children, take a music appreciation course or simply add more music to your everyday life. Online check out these sites to get started:

• Live international music feeds http://www.live365.com

• Live International music feeds http://www.radiotower.com/

4. Logical - Mathematical Intelligence

If you're into computers then your brain is lodged here. Structured and organized you revel in order and neatness. Likely you'll be at ease with numbers too. Bookkeepers, accountants, Statisticians and software programmers are strong in this intelligence. Should you wish to strengthen in this intelligence, solve mysteries, learn computer logic or programming or play strategic board games like chess, checkers, backgammon or Monopoly, anyone? Get a jump on revving up this intelligence playing games at:

• Free online games http://zone.msn.com/en/root/default.htm

• Free game downloads http://www.freeworldgroup.com/game.html

5. Bodily - Kinesthetic Intelligence

This is the reign of the jocks as this intelligence features innate love of motion and movement. They dance, tap, ballet or play a sport well. Do you go hiking? Swimming? Are you a ballroom dancer, cyclist or marathoner? Any type of athletics will help serve your mental and physical development. Take up surfing, learn ballroom dancing, train for a triathlon or improve your cooking skills to make yourself smarter. At the very least, you could go to the neighborhood gym for regular workouts, or take a brisk walk everyday. Your mind (and your body) will thank you as you improve your health and fitness levels – and get smarter.

6. Naturalist Intelligence

Nature lovers snugly reside here. They love animals, gardens, flowers, sunsets and the sea. Veterinarians, animal trainers, horticulturalists, environmentalists and biologists are often strongest in this intelligence. From simply going regularly for nature walks to the formal study of biological sciences will deepen your mental strengths in this intelligence. The pleasures of orchids and roses await you. Simmer in the secrets of medicinal plants, work with or enjoy horses, bees, birds or fish. Volunteer at the zoo or involve yourself in activities that take and keep you outdoors. Ideas abound online beginning with these offerings:

• Sea World online http://www.seaworld.org/animal-info/animal-bytes/index.htm

• Ed Web homepage http://www.edwebproject.org/

By working regularly on activities in these areas, your collective intelligence, that is your overall ability to think, create, solve problems and execute mental processes, will grow. So have some fun while you make yourself smarter.

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Prof. Larry M. Lynch is an English language teaching and learning expert author and university professor in Cali, Colombia. Now YOU too can live your dreams in paradise, find romance, high adventure and get paid while travelling for free.

For more information on entering or advancing in the fascinating field of teaching English as a Foreign or Second Language send for his no-cost PDF Ebook, "If You Want to Teach English Abroad, Here's What You Need to Know", immediate delivery details and no-obligation information are available online now at: http://bettereflteacher.blogspot.com/

Need professional, original content or articles for your blog, newsletter or website? Have a question, request, or want to receive more information or to be added to his articles and teaching materials mailing list? Then contact the author at this website for a prompt response.

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Two Fun Flirty Text Message Games

I'm going to share two techniques that I personally LOVE using when following up with a girl after having exchanged numbers. These are both field tested many times and are a great way to gain a lot interest through something dull, like a text message.

Are your texts doing more harm than good? Try these!

1. The Poem Technique

Two Fun Flirty Text Message Games

Message: "Creatively complete this poem, roses are red violets are blue.."

Girls absolutely LOVE this one because it's that dumb, goofy, soap-opera, type message that girls love to respond to. Plus, and a HUGE plus at at that, you are SCREENING her with it. "Creatively" implies that you are judging her on her creativity. SO she is going to (and almost always does) make it funny. I've gotten responses like "this is the most random thing I've ever been asked to do...lol hi!" and "I don't think anyone is as cute as you!" Some will definitely make you laugh. Then just transition into normal chat from there. Keep your texts short and to the point, and set up the meeting.

2. The Arnold Schwarzenegger Quiz Show

This technique is awesome, it really makes you realize how much FUN you can have with text message gaming.

Get around 5 or 6 girls who you haven't had a second meeting with yet, but have gotten their numbers. And then let the games begin!

Message: "I'm about to offer you a once in a lifetime opportunity."

Her: "OMG WHAT!?"(or something maybe a little less enthusiastic, but you get the idea)

Message: "You get to party with me tonight, but only if you can answer one really important question"

Now shes very intrigued what that "important question" is, and can only help but agree to the frame where she is hoping to win the chance to party with you, which is just awesome!

Her: "What is it??"

Message: "Name 6 Arnold Schwarzenegger movies"

Her: (If she's SMART) "haha..um predator, terminator 1, 2, 3, running man, twins"

Message: "Nice you win..bonus points for running man hah", (then give an invite for something fun that night)

Her: (If she's NOT SMART) "What haha no way"

Message: "Sorry that's incorrect, thank you for playing"

And then you DON'T hang out with them, at least not tonight.

That's the best part about having 6 or more numbers to do this with. The ones who pass the test are now qualified to you and you know they are the FUN ones. Who wants to hang out with a girl who's too cool to answer a funny text message question like that one anyway?

And now that you've blown her off, even though she knows you're going out, she's going to be looking to get validated by hanging out with you the next time.

Now you're gaining interest with the text message instead of being just the same as other dudes. Have fun with these ones, I know I do.

Mad Dawg

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Click Here to Receive a FREE SEMINAR ( value) on "How to Approach Any Girl, Anywhere, And Gain Unstoppable Confidence Today!"

Read more Free Advice on flirty text message games on the blog at: http://www.LearnHowToSeduceWomen.com

Stop living with a terrible love life. Lonely? Not confident with women? Frustrated with the singles scene? Utilize these resources above and have as many beautiful women in your life as you choose, or simply the girl of your dreams! The choice is yours.

Noah H., also known as "Mad Dawg" is a professional seductionist who specializes in teaching men how to meet, attract, and seduce beautiful women, in just minutes!

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Monday, January 14, 2013

What is Creative Intelligence and How Do You Develop it?

Creative intelligence is believing that there is always an answer, or perhaps a different answer -- an answer that no one has thought of it yet. Creative intelligence is looking for answers that haven't been found before. Here are my tips for how to develop it.

Develop an ability to see different angles

Practice looking at things to see if you can come up with a totally new way of looking at it. Perhaps it's a way different than you have looked at it before, or perhaps different than anyone else that you know. Look at something, anything, a work problem, a social issue -- anything. See the positions that have been taken and see if you can come up with a different angle. Explore opposite points of view. Rearrange things, turn them upside down, find a new way of looking at things.

What is Creative Intelligence and How Do You Develop it?

Develop speed and ease finding new ideas

Everything takes practice,of course. But practice looking for new ways to do anything and everything -- small insignificant things and big important issues. Seize any and every opportunity to practice your skill. In time, you will find that you can come up with new and exciting ideas quickly and with ease. Always remember, the more your practice, the better you'll get.

Develop an ability to expand on existing ideas

Practice thinking that there is always more. Try thinking that there is nothing but more and more possibilities. Look at existing ideas and imagine that there is more to the idea. If you practice thinking this way, ideas will come. Learn to develop an ability to expand on existing ideas and you will find this a most valuable asset in any line of work.

Creative intelligence is something that can be learned. Often, you will find creative people have insatiable curiosity that has led them to be great thinkers. Work at developing these three skills, and you will find yourself developing creative intelligence.

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Gail Karen (G.K.) Eckert is a vocalist, musician, songwriter and teacher. She founded Musikhaus Studio of Creativity in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada in 1987 and continues to guide students through the crucial steps of learning to be creative [http://www.gkeckert.com/]. She believes that everyone is creative, given the proper guidance and encouragement. She also believes that expressing your creativity, your way, is not only a fun past time, but also crucial to mental health and well being.

For more tips on creativity visit her site.



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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Online Bedroom Design: A Creativity Exercise

Are you planning on having a house built? Are you planning a renovation on the current place you are living in? Are you planning on getting a vacation home somewhere in your favorite vacation spot? If yes is the answer to any of these questions, you might want to explore the idea of designing a bedroom of your house in advance.

You might want to do it so that it reflects your personality, or perhaps to just find out how creative you can be. You can do it even if you are not an architect or an interior designer; you don't even need to hire one to do it for you. You can do this yourself, and all you need is a computer, Internet, and an imaginative mind. Yes, you can design a bedroom online.

There are websites out there that specifically deal with online bedroom design. They usually have previews for you to take a look at so you would have an idea on how to go about it. Or, if you are really prepared and would want to do it yourself, that is a legitimate option too. There are three important steps on how to design a bedroom online.

Online Bedroom Design: A Creativity Exercise

First, you need to see the color combinations you will use. Maybe you would like your room to be painted in blue. What shade of blue? There are hundreds of color combinations of shades of blue. Online bedroom design websites usually offer this option so you can mix and match which paint colors to use. You can also check to see the color combination of the walls with the flooring, ceiling, furniture, so you can have a "color preview" of what your bedroom will look like.

Next is the layout design. How big will your bedroom be? Where exactly will you place the furniture and other items such as the television, study table, restroom, doors, windows, and more? How big of the total space will they consume? You can answer all of these by properly designing the layout of your bedroom. If the first step deals with the color combinations, this second step deals with space and measurements. You can check to see how many pieces of furniture you can place and how big they are and if they can fit or not (or if they are ideal or not).

Finally, the design plan itself. Calculate your total expenses by placing all the necessary information in a design plan. Included here are the sizes of the doors, windows, flooring, amount of paint to be used, etc. When you complete these necessities, you will have an idea of how much you will spend for the construction of your bedroom. The design plan is not only important for the calculation of expenses, but also for the exact data of your room - you will know every detail there is.

You might want to venture into designing your own bedroom online. It is a creative exercise and the satisfaction you will receive when the finished product is revealed while knowing that you were the one that designed it cannot be put into words. Whatever your motive is in designing your own bedroom, whether it is to reflect your personality or so you can test your creativity, it will be a fun thing to do. Remember, it is simple enough that all you need is a computer, Internet, and an imaginative mind.

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Daniel is the father of two kids and enjoy sharing tips and home and bedroom design ideas [http://homebedroomdesign.com] at his website. From cool teenage bedroom design [http://homebedroomdesign.com/Teen_Bedroom_Design_Ideas.html] tips to home contemporary design.

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