Friday, November 30, 2012

Exercises to Encourage Creativity


Before I list some very helpful and powerful exercises to encourage creativity, let's take a moment to consider what constitutes creativity, why we aspire to encourage creativity in the first place and what is required from the person who wishes to encourage creativity through exercises, be it her own creativity or that of others.

Definition of Creativity

Exercises to Encourage Creativity

If one wishes to encourage creativity, it is advised that she first has a clear definition of this term. However, Creativity is an illusive and complex term that seems to defy definition, so let me list some options and choose what fit you most. Creativity has to do with original and flexible thinking, the ability to pay attention to details, the ability to cope with uncertainty. Creative individuals possess a high motivation to overcome obstacles and solve problems, the willingness to take calculated risks, the desire to work hard in turn for recognition.

Benefits of Creativity

Encouraging creativity through exercises is a proven way to develop young minds. Weaving creativity exercises into children's education greatly improves their chances of becoming successful and constructive adults who are able to cope more aptly with a rapidly changing world. An environment that encourages creativity is also a solid foundation for mental health. Creativity exercises cultivate highly motivated students who are less prone to adverse psychological states such as stress and boredom.

Creativity Exercises - What Is Required of the Teacher

Creativity Exercise #1 - Image Streaming

This exercise is to be carried out in pairs or individually. The exercising student closes her eyes and asks herself a question. The exercising student then describes out loud her mental visual imagery either to another student or to a tape recorder. Describing of the mental images should be flowing and streaming. In the process of describing the images she sees in her mind, the student should concentrate on sensory details. For example, "I feel the softness of the fresh laundry", "my feet are pressed against the cold tiles", "I smell the rain-soaked air." The student should aim to make her live or potential listener vividly experience what she sees. In order to develop and maintain the flow of streaming imagery, the student should ask herself new questions as to the nature of objects she sees in her mind and explore them in detail. Relaying the mental images should be done in a hastened pace to avoid judgment and critical thinking. Image streaming is to be exercised for at least 10 minutes each time. Over time, this exercise improves creativity and intelligence.

Creativity Exercise #2 - Challenge Traditional Thinking

This exercise can be practiced in a group or individually. Routine thinking is good for every day tasks, since you perform the task without employing your mind and wasting energy on the thinking process. For example, if you take the same route to work every day, you soon drive on auto-pilot. If, however, you have a task that requires you take a different route, then you have to concentrate and be aware of the left and right turns you make. If your thoughts drift, you will find yourself going unintentionally in the regular route. If you wish to exercise creativity in solving problems, you have to stay clear of routine thinking. This can be achieved by forcing the mind to find new routes. Instructions: make a list of words and write each word on a card. For each word instruct the students to come up with 2 related words and write these down on separate cards as well. You now have groups of three words each. And now for the creative part: randomly pick two unassociated words and instruct your students to come up with an association between the two seemingly unrelated words. This will force their thinking process to form an unfamiliar route, a connection between two dots that were unconnected until now. Forcing our mind to find new trails that connect A and B is exactly what enhances creativity. Along the same lines, you can try these variation: make a basic outline map of the United States without state names. Instead of state names, write down names of world countries. For example, instead of Texas write Canada, instead of California write France. And so on. Now ask your students to find associations between the state and the country. Remember that we are not after any correct answer. We are exercising this in order to create new roads. So don't test your students' knowledge. Encourage them to come up with any association they can think of. It can relate to culture, economy, language, but it can also relate to the spelling of the names or to their pronunciation. Be open.

Creativity Exercise #3 - The Gods Must Be Crazy

An African Bushman, unaware of white culture, discovers an empty Coca Cola bottle in the Kalahari Desert. The bushman closely examines this mystical object (casually dropped by a passing pilot), wondering what it is good for. He then tries blowing into it, and is very pleased to learn that it makes a noise. In this creativity exercise you encourage your students to become Bushmen. I mean it. You need to collect 5 to 10 props. You display a prop to your students and ask them to find a new use for it. This exercise encourages creativity since it forces the thinking process to erase or ignore what is known and come up with fresh ways of looking at something familiar.

Creativity Exercise #4 - Music's Story

Play a piece of classical music, preferably one that your students don't know. Dim the lights, instruct your students to close their eyes and listen closely to the music. The music tells a story, it tells about the weather, about a poor or rich man, about mad love that is now dying. Ask each student to follow every plot twist, every change of atmosphere. Then stop the music and ask your students to write down their stories, with as much detail as possible.

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Eran Sadeh is publisher of, a wonderful product that encourages both fun and creativity. To learn more about character slippers and browse through picture galleries and video galleries of character slippers, please visit

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Fun Printable Halloween Bingo Cards

Arts and crafts have always been popular activities with kids and when you take into consideration how popular Halloween is with kids. (well, the cool kids anyway!) As such, it is no surprise that activities that combine arts and crafts with the season of Halloween are greatly enjoyed and appreciated by kids of all ages. This is why making printable Halloween bingo cards is a lot of fun for children and it also has the ancillary effect of providing a unique learning experience as well.

While may of these printable Halloween bingo cards come already made some of the bingo card sets on the market work is that kids create their own bingo cards either affixing ready made pictures to cards that are made up of either construction paper or even regular paper. Of course, kids can also draw or design their own pictures as well and this can greatly help them explore their own creativity.

One of the problems with a number of games and activities designed for kids is the fact that they are seemingly lacking in creativity and that does not provide much for the kids in terms of helping them to think analytically and creatively. Whoa! That statement seems like a huge stretch in terms of describing the value of printable Halloween bingo cards. Well, if you look at the cards as mere paper cut outs then, yes, it is somewhat understandable how you could arrive at such a conclusion. However, if you look at the underlying creativity beneath the design of the cards then the value of the cards becomes obvious. By exploring creativity in the arts and crafts realm, youngsters get a break from "button pushing" electronic games and instead explore talents that they may not knew they had. Of course, this can be the start of something much more expansive down the road.

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You can find Printable Halloween Bingo Cards in the printable Halloween games section at [].

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

How to Encourage Creative Thinking in Children Using Visual Art Supplies

I have a firm belief that everyone is born with creative abilities. My experience is that many people who are not aware of their creative abilities do not understand what creativity is. Unfortunately many people were not encouraged to develop their creative abilities when they were children. This is one way to encourage creative thinking in your child.

Recognizing, developing and using our creative abilities is vital. Being able to stretch our thinking to include creative solutions to our problems, creates new brain cells, increases our choices and enhances our coping skills. The best time to learn creative thinking is during our childhood while our brains are growing. Any adult who is involved with children (parents, teachers, Scout leaders) can help children raise their creativity skills.

Coloring books and "cookie-cutter" art (the type of art in which every child makes the same item) discourage creativity. Although coloring books have a time and purpose, when a child is coloring in someone else's creation they are not learning how to create something themselves. There is also a purpose for "cookie cutter" art, however, when doing this the child is learning to follow directions from someone else. Genuine creativity is self directed.

How to Encourage Creative Thinking in Children Using Visual Art Supplies

The most important step is to understand the developmental stages of drawing. Unnecessary criticism from adults diminishes a child's ability to grow creatively. When adults respond negatively to children they will be less likely to repeat the activity. Children begin to enjoy drawing by the time they are old enough to hold a marker and will scribble with the marker. Markers are easier for toddlers to use than crayons and safer than pencils. Adult supervision is necessary to make sure the child draws on paper and does not put the marker in their mouth. A gentle reminder that markers are used on paper will generally suffice. If a child cannot comply with this, put the markers away and try again later. Toddlers enjoy learning to control the marker and are beginning to learn about creativity as they create marks on paper. Praising children for their work ("Look at what you can do!") and putting the work on display will encourage them to continue their efforts.

Gradually, around three to four years of age children realize that lines and shapes actually stand for something and they begin to try to make deliberate representations. It is important to encourage children to continue to explore what they can do with markers and never criticize or change their drawing. Around the age of four children begin to make pictures. Adults can encourage this by recognizing the growth the child has made and expressing their appreciation of it. During this time children will enter a stage called "Named Scribbling" in which they will look at something they have drawn, see a shape that looks like "a bird" or "a frog" and name the scribble as such. Again it is vital to appreciate this creative ability in the child in order to encourage creative growth.

From the age of 9 to about 12 years old children begin to try to make their drawings more realistic. It becomes important to them to try to make their drawings more proportional, to fill the drawing with details, make colors more realistic and learn how to overlap. At this stage children begin to feel frustrated and may ask adults for more help. Those children who have not received adult encouragement may stop drawing. If children do seem interested in being able to draw this is a good time for them to receive some drawing instruction. Drawing is a learned skill.

Clay is another important tool for encouraging creative growth. Adult supervision is vital in order to prevent ingestion and, again, gentle reminders that clay is for making things rather than eating, usually suffice. Allowing the child to make what ever they want to with the clay will allow them to follow and grow in their own creative process. The process with clay is similar to that of drawing and often children will make something, look at it and then decide what it is. Around the age of nine to 12 it is normal for boys to make phallic symbols and is important for adults to be able to accept this with little or no comment.

Paint is another medium that encourages creative expression. School age children will get a great deal of pleasure out of mixing the colors and learn a great deal as they do. Children enjoy watching the colors swirl together and gradually blend. When a child mixes all the colors together and finds that they now have army green or brown they have learned something about color mixing. If they are able to mix with some restraint, with the help of an adult, they will begin to learn color theory. Paint is much more difficult to control than markers or clay. Stiff brushes help children control the paint better.

Problems invariably come up when anyone is trying to create something. Problems are opportunities for creative thinking. It is always best to allow the child to try to solve the problem themselves and praise them when they do so, pointing out how creative they have been. When they ask for help an adult can encourage them by reminding them of other times when they have solved problem's. The adult can also ask the child questions to help the child think of solutions. What is most important is that the adult facilitate the child's creative thinking process, rather than simply solving the problem for the child. Adults can make some suggestions and ask the child for more ideas. Brainstorming for ideas and solutions with children invariably raises their ability to think creatively. Ask children for "silly" ideas. Albert Einstein once said "If at first the idea is not absurd then there is no hope for it".

Finally, enjoy doing these activities with your children! It is true that we all learn best when we are relaxed and we are more relaxed when we are enjoying an activity. It follows then that adults need to be able to enjoy doing these activities with their children. Watching children enjoy their creative abilities can be extremely pleasant for adults, as well as educational. Often, adults will find that they have learned a great deal about being creative by watching their children.

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Anne is a Board Certified Registered art therapist and Licensed Professional Counselor. Anne has been studying human development and relationships for over 45 years. She has been successfully working with families, in various capacities, for over 20 years. Her private practice is in the Mt. Airy section of Philadelphia PA. She specializes in helping people recover from various types of trauma, difficult changes and loss. Anne has an unusual ability to connect with children and adolescents, along with their parents. Parenting is the most important job we ever do, yet no one shows us how to do it or gives us the support we need. Anne has successfully coached many parents through a variety of critical stages in their children's lives. Anne's greatest joy is helping people understand themselves and each other.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Lessons for Sunday School - Spark Your Students' Creativity With Bible Activities

It can be difficult finding a fun, interactive way to demonstrate lessons for Sunday school. Your children's liturgy students want to be able to express themselves while learning about Christianity. Try these two Sunday school crafts as ways to grab your class' attention.

Shepherd's Bag Sunday School Craft

For this lesson for Sunday school, you need the following:

Lessons for Sunday School - Spark Your Students' Creativity With Bible Activities

*Colored construction paper
*Zip-lock bags

Prior to your children's liturgy class, cut a big, round bag-like shape out of the construction paper (one for each student). Write "Shepherd Bag" on each cut-out. Cut five round circles out of the construction paper to represent rocks (five circles for each student).

Once you want to begin the Bible activity, have your students write their names at the top of their "bags". For example, a student named Katie would have "Katie's Shepherd Bag" on her paper. Now have your class write the following on the rocks to spell out a Bible verse. On rock one, write "The Lord is". On the second, write "my rock"; on the third, "my Fortress." On the forth rock, have your kids write "and my Deliverer," and have them write "Psalms 18:2" on the fifth rock. Have each student place the rocks into a zip-lock bag and help them staple it to the back of their bag cut-out. This is a great way to help your students work on various memory verses.

A Prayer in My Pocket Bible Activity

For this Sunday school craft, you'll need:

*Colored construction paper
*Cardboard toilet paper tube for each student
*Wrapping paper
*Crayons and markers

Before class begins, cut up the wrapping paper into the right size to cover the toilet paper tubes. Also cut the construction paper in half length-wise and fold the pieces in half to form a booklet. Staple along the paper's fold.

When you're ready to being the Sunday school lesson, have your children's liturgy students write "I pray for my church, my friends, and my family" on their booklet. Next, give each student a tube and a piece of pre-cut wrapping paper. Help them glue the wrapping paper to the tube and then set the tubes aside to dry. Next, instruct your students to draw pictures of their church, friends, and family on each page of their booklet. When your students are done with this Sunday school craft, ask them to roll up their booklet and place it in their tube to take home and share with their family and friends.

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And for a free Sunday School teaching video, packed with tips and techniques to revitalize your Children's Ministry program and fill your classroom with eager students, visit this site now:

Mary-Kate Warner is the publisher of Christianity Cove, the web's #1 resource for lessons for Sunday School, crafts, games, and ideas for teachers.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Numerology & Subconscious Mind - What it Means to Keep Seeing the Same Numbers Over and Over

Many, many people have told us about having the experience
of repeatedly seeing the same number, or number pattern.
Perhaps they look at the clock and see 11:34, then glance at
a store receipt total of .34, then hear of a historical event
happening in the year 1134 BC, all in the same day. Or they
keep seeing the same number or numbers for months, even

We feel it's often a subconscious, even super-conscious,
attachment to the energy behind the numbers. Along with
indicating quantity, as we've mentioned before, each number
represents a specific type of energy, or quality.

Since we believe, based on our research, that all things
happen for a reason and that order (as numerologically
represented by numbers), instead of chaos or randomness,
exists in this universe, you noticing select numbers again
and again holds meaning.

Numerology & Subconscious Mind - What it Means to Keep Seeing the Same Numbers Over and Over

In a heightened state of mind, positive or negative (e.g.,
joy or trauma), a person sees a particular number and
that number may be burned into their subconscious.

Or, a person consciously, "randomly" chooses a certain
number one day for whatever reason and that choice
proves to be beneficial, and they stick with it, calling it

Or, a person reads somewhere that the number 943, for
example, equals prosperity and divine assistance (even if
it doesn't), so they embrace that number and subjectively
view it as fortunate.

It's also common for a person to have a fixation with
certain numbers that are significant in his/her personal
numerology charts, before even knowing anything about
his/her charts. This too could be considered an unconscious

For example, a person has potent "3" energy in the positions
of the charts representing inner desire, motivation, and that
with which they are most comfortable. That person says "...
whenever I see '3' (or 111 , or 12 , etc.)
I know it's a good sign, I've always liked the number 3..."

In many cases, it appears to us that the subject's subconscious,
even higher-self, might be trying to make them consciously aware
of something.

If you want more clarity, it would require you to decipher
the energy behind the numbers.

Use the Number Symbolism guide below. It is absolutely
consistent with the most reliable sources.

Keep in mind that the energy symbolism behind specific
numbers has remained the same for eons; it's a solid and
reliable tradition, rooted in objective empirical observation.
We make this point so that you avoid wasting time with
new, creative, subjective (and false) interpretations, such
as those in some modern New Age publications.

It's unfortunate to see numerological misinformation
published by popular New Age authors. Most mean well,
but they are in a position where a lot of people believe
everything they say and write, so shallow and false
interpretations do nothing more than mislead, confuse,
and tarnish the image of the science of numerology. As
has been said, the New Age has a bad name for a good

When interpreting multiple-digit numbers, use fadic
addition to reduce all numbers to a single digit. The
single digit, the root number, is the most important
number. For example, 7556 = 7+5+5+6 = 23 = 2+3 = 5.

Also, an individual number's potency in a multiple-
digit number is based on its position. In the number
7556, 7 is strongest, then 5, then the next 5, and 6
carries the weakest energy force in this multiple-digit

At this time, don't concern yourself with translating the
remaining parts of a multiple-digit number after reducing
it to a single digit. The individual numbers (along with the
7000, 500, and 50, comprising 7556, for example) of the
original multiple-digit number also have relative
representation, but those are topics for advanced study/
interpretation. Master Numbers (11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66,
77, 88, and 99) and Karmic Debt numbers (13, 14, 16,
and 19) are also more involved subjects.

Please note that when you get into advanced interpretation
beyond reducing all multiple-digit numbers to a single
number, avoid erroneously chopping up multiple-digit
numbers in such a fashion: deriving 84, 32, and 415, for
instance, from 8432415, or extracting 11, or 311 from

We say erroneous because through our many years of
empirical research this style has proven to be invalid.
Besides, every treasured, workable, numerical kabala
(or cabala--sacred number and/or letter codes used to
derive meaning/truth) throughout history, including the
sacred ancient Hebrew Kabbalah, instead uses the
following method: 8432415, for example, is comprised
of 8000000, 400000, 30000, 2000, 400, 10, and 5; and
then 27 (through fadic addition adding up all the
numbers), and 9 (the root number, adding 2+7 of 27).

The exception to this rule is if you glance at a numerical
sequence and only "see" part of it. For example, you look
at 1338 and only "see" the 33 (your subconscious or
higher-self is fixed on those two numbers only). Therefore,
you accept it and disregard the other numbers. 33 = 3+3=6.
See below for more information about the number 6.

Still, the numbers, no matter how they are encountered,
always represent the same types of energy. For instance,
just as progressiveness isn't associated with the root
number 4, gregariousness isn't linked to the root number

We've also encountered people who have an uncommon
connection to other dimensions (as represented by the
unique patterns in their comprehensive numerology and
astrology charts) and they "get information" through
numerical signs and through other ways, much more freely
than most people, whether they want to or not. Often, the
receiving of these "messages" can be unsettling and dramatic,
until they become comfortable with it.

Once you move beyond any fear and get in touch with your
subconscious, align yourself more firmly with your higher-
self/super-conscious, and/or embrace a possible uncommon
"connection," you'll be in a position to decipher the messages
more easily.

We also invite you to read more about the subconscious
mind and number symbolism:

Number Symbolism

Copyright © 1998, 2003, 2006 Scott A. Petullo Corporation

1: The number 1 is connected with new starts, independence,
new opportunity, inspiration, originality, standing alone,
concentration, leadership, determination, self-employment,
courage and isolation.

Balanced 1 energy: initiative, energetic, persistent, creative,
confident, ambitious, self-reliant, dynamic, bold,
forward looking, assertive.

Over-balanced 1 energy: selfish, impatient, elitist,
intolerant, addicted, aggressive, self-important, unyielding,
headstrong, defiant, dictatorial, self-at-all-cost attitude,
arrogant, domineering, possessive, greedy.
Under-balanced 1 energy: passive, weak will, cowardly,
dependent, insecure, subservient, helpless, lack of
self-respect, changeable, weary.

2: The number 2 is linked to sensitivity, teamwork,
partnerships, marriage, love, divorce, friendships, details,
public recognition, tolerance, modesty, receptivity,
behind the scenes work, cooperation, rhythm, harmony,
and slow growth.

Balanced 2 energy: tactful, sensitive, harmonizing,
flexible, diplomatic, helpful, patient, sincere, modest,
cautious, courteous, receptive.

Over-balanced 2 energy: scheming, deceitful,
manipulative, faultfinding, resentfully resisting,
devious, condescending, disapproving, interfering.
Under-balanced 2 energy: unresponsive, cowardly,
self-depreciating, dependent, inactive, self-depreciating,
indecisive, vacillating, overly sensitive, uncaring.

3: The number 3 is related to laughter, amusement,
pleasure, making new friends, self-improvement,
attracting love, sexual expression, artistic creativity,
writing, good times, quick recoveries, dramatic emotional
ups and downs, easy money and instability.
Balanced 3 energy: honest emotional expression,
optimistic, literary talent, vivacious, cultivated,
amusing, imaginative, well liked, magnetic.

Over-balanced 3 energy: lacks concentration,
scatters energy, overconfident, emotionally volatile,
irresponsible, gossipy, exaggerating, superficial.
Under-balanced 3 energy: insincere emotional
expression, temperamental, petty, depressed,
jealous, unsociable, self-doubting, bored, inarticulate,
unthinking, indecisive, unenthusiastic, apprehensive.

4: The number 4 is associated with material interests,
structure, managing finances, creating foundations that
last, work, business success, stable finances, routine,
organization, putting ideas into form, efficiency, physical
activity, health matters, limitation and lack of fun and

Balanced 4 energy: productive, reliable, thrifty, cautious,
disciplined, integrity, methodical, analysis, serious, balanced,
loyal, sensible, persevering.
Over-balanced 4 energy: rigid, narrow-minded, inflexible,
rough, dreary, numb emotions, uncompromising, provincial,
too frank, lost in detail.

Under-balanced 4 energy: apathetic, disorganized, lack
of integrity, impractical, plodding, careless, inefficient,
distracted, idle, neglectful.

5: The number 5 is related to advertising, promotion, sales,
sensuality, sex, freedom, travel, communication, changes,
fluctuation, flexibility, excitement, adventure, transmutation.
Balanced 5 energy: multifaceted, broadminded, healthy
limits, appropriately dissolving career or personal
relationships at the right time, forward-thinking,
charming, curious, adaptable, independent, clever,
resourceful, liberated.

Over-balanced 5 energy: over-indulgent, mercurial,
over-sexed, reckless, ending relationships too soon,
impatient, thrill-seeking, erratic, extreme independence,
insatiable, restless.

Under-balanced 5 energy: fear of change, stagnant,
dependent, hanging on to associations that have expired,
conforming, fear of freedom, dull, ineffective, expressionless.

6: The number 6 is linked to domestic issues, home and
family, relationships, marriage, divorce, romance,
responsibility, friendships, karma, emotions, slow moving
energy, harmony, teaching, healthy balanced living.
Balanced 6 energy: domestic, advising, friendly, tolerant,
supportive, appreciative, peace-making, protective,
humanitarian, responsible, devoted, loving, stable, sensible.

Over-balanced 6 energy: distorted idealism, critical,
interfering, opinionated, possessive, stubborn, sacrificing,
unreasonable obstinate, unforgiving, disheartened.
Under-balanced 6 energy: uncaring, uncooperative,
biased, unconcerned, indulgent, lethargic, unwelcoming,
non-committal, disconsolate.

7: The number 7 is connected to mysticism, intuition,
inner growth, examination, study, analysis, reflection,
lowered physical vitality, increased mental activity,
conserving assets, planning, attracting unsolicited help,
specialization, solitude, health issues, travel.

Balanced 7 energy: metaphysical interests, different
wavelength, intellectual, clairvoyant, analytical, perceptive,
scientific, exact, meditative, mystical, expert, bookish,
poised, telepathic, visionary, deep, dreamer, instinctive,
reflective, truth-seeker, studious, wise.

Over-balanced 7 energy: fearful, nervous, critical,
paranoid, indecisive, secretive, repressed emotions,
distrustful, guarded, intimidating, fussy, evasive, fanatic,
self-conscious, secretive, perfectionist, impersonal,

Under-balanced 7 energy: lack of depth, naïve, ignorant,
too trusting, empty-headed, mystified, superficial, lack of
faith, undeveloped, uninformed, unsure.

8: The number 8 is tied to influence, money, karma, action,
business success, business failure, control, material objects,
status, loss, gain, administration, management, ego, leadership,

Balanced 8 energy: prosperous, high-powered,
commanding, stamina, self-confident, persuasive, financial
awareness, effective, ambitious, businesslike, clear-headed,
disciplined, material freedom, honorable, enterprising.

Over-balanced 8 energy: abuses power, cold-blooded,
egotistical, overreaction to money, scheming, aggressive,
materialistic, corrupt, demanding, domineering, preoccupied
with power and money, unsympathetic, over-ambitious,
confrontational, rebellious, coarse.

Under-balanced 8 energy: passive, vulnerable, fearful,
insecure, avoids power and money, poor judgment, gives
personal power away, shortsighted.

9: The number 9 is associated with unconditional love,
reward, leadership by example, dramatic endings, emotional
love, emotional crisis, the finest life has to offer, conclusions,
deep love, compassion, magnetism, travel, idealism,
charity, artistic and creative matters, developing spirituality,
romance, forgiveness.

Balanced 9 energy: artistic, philanthropic, affectionate,
creative, forgiving, passionate, benevolent, warm, tolerant,
sentimental, loving, liberal, generous, enthusiastic, trustworthy,
hospitable, humane.

Over-balanced 9 energy: deceiving, self-centered, hedonistic,
lacking integrity, over-emotional, prejudiced, resentful, bad
example, irresolute, dejected, vindictive, hateful, hostile.
Under-balanced 9 energy: ultraconservative, impersonal,
distant, unemotional, elusive, submissive, drifting, faint-hearted,
victimized, disloyal, hazy.

Numbers Behind Letters: A J S = 1, B K T = 2, C L U = 3,
D M V = 4, E N W = 5, F O X = 6, G P Y = 7, H Q Z = 8,
I R = 9

Copyright © 2007 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

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Scott Petullo and Stephen Petullo are identical twins and have been exploring metaphysics since the early 1980’s. They are experts in the fields of prediction, personal fate, love life, and past life regression, and are natural psychics and mediums. Get their free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 11 Questions to Ask before hiring Psychic.

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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Getting Creative! How to Make Your Own Twin Sofa Bed

Do you live in a small dorm or studio apartment? If you do, you are probably familiar with the difficulties of trying to combine style with functionality. This may be a particular problem when you want to add a little pizzazz to the central piece of furniture in your dorm, studio or efficiency apartment.

However, just because you have limited space doesn't mean you can't add style. In fact, this is where you could allow your creativity to shine through. With some imagination and forethought, you could have a living space that is perfect for both day and night. This could be accomplished by turning your twin bed into a sofa. In the evening, you could switch your sofa back into a twin bed.

The Pros and Cons of Turning Your Twin Bed into a Sofa

Getting Creative! How to Make Your Own Twin Sofa Bed

To begin, you would need a twin platform bed, mate's bed or any twin bed that doesn't have a headboard or post. It is important to note, that due to their width, a full, queen or king size bed would not convert nicely into a couch. This would not give the look or feel that you'd want (not to mention, it would look quite silly).

The obvious advantage of turning your twin bed into a sofa would be that you already have the primary element for this design--a twin bed. This equals savings, as you would only need to purchase a few odds and ends to convert your bed into a lovely sofa for daytime living.

Another pro would be that unlike a futon, you would not need to perform additional steps to make your twin bed into a sofa. All that is necessary would be adding additional pillows against the back of the bed to give it the look of a sofa.

One disadvantage of converting your bed into a couch would be that this idea wouldn't be suitable if you share your space with someone else. For example, if you live in a dorm this might make it difficult. However, there are chances this still could work if your roommate uses a hide-away bed that saves on space. It all really just depends on the situation.

If you decide to go with this idea, one last thing...

You may find the biggest con to be the height of your bed in comparison to daybeds, futons and sofas. Platform beds are substantially lower compared to daybeds. So, keep that in mind when considering this option, and if the difference in height doesn't bother you, then using it as a sofa would not be a problem.

If you can afford to spend some extra money but still find you don't like the height-issues that come with platform beds, this could be easily remedied by boosting the height of your bed with an extra mattress or box spring. Another option would be to purchase inexpensive bed lifts or risers. They could add an additional 1 to 10 inches or more to the height of your bed.

Yet, a word of warning, risers only work if your bed has legs. If not, you would need to add height by using an extra mattress or box spring.

Lesson 101: Turning your Twin Bed into a Sofa with Style

To turn your twin bed into a sofa, you would simply place it width-wise against a wall (like a daybed). Next, you could add height by using bed risers or an extra box spring or mattress. That is the basics, now onto the creative and fun aspect of switching your twin bed into a sofa and vice versa. This section will reveal how you could add a personal touch and make your twin sofa bed uniquely your own.

Use appropriate bedding

How could you make your bed most resemble a sofa? The answer is simple, use appropriate bedding. This could be accomplished by purchasing a bed skirt or a bedding set. This would allow you to cover the legs of your bed and would give it the look of a sofa with upholstered flaps. If you use bed risers, make sure to have them in place first before buying the bedding. That way, you could take measurements to ensure that the bedding is long enough to cover the legs once the risers are in place.

Use pillows

Pillows are ideal for creating a faux backing to your bed and faux arms. Pillows could be switched around to accommodate a sofa and a bed. For evening, you could place the pillows at the head of the bed for sleeping. And during the day you could place the pillows in the back for support, comfort and look and feel. As for the arms, you could place bolsters on each side of the bed to fool the eyes into believing your sofa isn't armless.

Create your own upholstered backing

If using pillows exclusively for backing doesn't appeal to you, another option would be to create an upholstered backing for your sofa bed. This may sound as if it would put a dent in your pocketbook, but upholstered backing could be made inexpensively without compromising on style or showroom appeal.

The main supplies you would need to make an upholstered backing are...

plywood upholstery foam and fabric

Keep in mind, it is also important to take measurements before starting on this project to determine the height that you desire for your headboard. What makes this project so affordable is that if you do not possess the tools needed to size the plywood, you could take it to a local hardware store and have them cut it for you at a fraction of the cost.

Once you're ready to get started, there are various tutorials on the Internet that could assist you in creating a headboard. A nice one worth mentioning is Make Your Own Upholstered Headboard. It should help you along quite nice and give you a few other ideas on decorative style in the process.

Once you're finished, you'll find that the upholstered headboard lends an element of class to your space. Creating your own one-of-a-kind headboard will add a sense of accomplishment. It will also be perfectly suited to your taste and style, and as a bonus you can bet you'll get plenty of compliments from your friends in the process.

Getting Creative! How to Make Your Own Twin Sofa Bed
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Tameka Norris has been living in small spaces since she was 10 years old. She now runs a website titled Furniture for Small Spaces [] to help people who go through the same frustrating circumstance of trying to make big bulky furniture fit in places that barely offer enough room. She offers nifty tips and tactics, a Q & A section for people in need of answers, photos of her own small space trials, projects for the DIYer and recommendations on furniture choices.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Creativity - Why It's For Everyone, Not Just For Artists

What do you picture when you think of someone highly creative?

Do you think of a musician onstage in the throes of performance? A painter with her dancing brush bringing life to a blank canvas? A photographer with sophisticated and expensive equipment capturing perfect landscape shots?

Most of us equate being creative with those in the classic and traditional arts. Like the musician, the painter, the photographer, and so on. Yes of course these are all creative careers. But what we then do is allow our thinking to discount all other kinds of creativity.

Creativity - Why It's For Everyone, Not Just For Artists

We convince ourselves that unless we ourselves take part in one of these classic creative pursuits - and unless we're hugely talented in them - then we can't possibly consider ourselves as a creative person.

The fact is, these artistic careers are only a tiny proportion of what we can consider to be creative.

What about the young mother who entertains her three children all day, prepares a different delicious meal every night and balances her partner's business accounts?

Or the local gardener that takes neglected weed riddled gardens and turns them into glorious multi sensory environments?

Or the internet entrepreneur who has websites, products and courses in 7 different specialised areas, and is about to launch their 8th, 9th and 10th ventures?

Creativity is not an expensive suit than only a chosen few are allowed to wear.

Creativity is everyone's right and can be everyone's daily uniform. How you choose to explore and express your creativity is completely up to you. But it begins with recognising that you are creative in many different ways, and many times each day.

Creativity is a way of thinking, seeing, being, doing. It's not a title on your business card. It's so much deeper, more expansive and more encompassing than that. It's in your blood, your breath, your DNA.

Choose to acknowledge your creativity from this point on.

Simply saying "I am creative and I choose to create" many times over will shift your thinking drastically. Following that thinking up with the actions to match will ensure you're a creative artist - in your own unique way - for the rest of your life.

Creativity is for all of us, welcome to the party! And yes, that includes YOU!

Creativity - Why It's For Everyone, Not Just For Artists
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Ready to be more creative? Then sign up to "Create Create!" - Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin's free twice monthly ezine - today, and get your free copy of the "Explode Your Creativity!" Action Workbook. Just head over to

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