Thursday, September 6, 2012

How To Increase Creativity By Celebrating Your Senses

All art in some way stimulates your senses. The more it does so, the more impact it has, and the more memorable it becomes.

This works on two levels - the direct and the indirect arousal of your senses.

Here's an example: Think about one of your favourite songs. Why do you enjoy it so much? It's likely you enjoy it on a pure sound level, you just like listening to the combination of instruments and layers. You probably also enjoy the singer's voice and how it makes you feel. These are direct stimulations of your senses.

How To Increase Creativity By Celebrating Your Senses

At a more indirect level, you absorb the lyrics - "the soft invitation in the scent of your warm skin", "the silhouette of the town we called home", or "the tears I'd swallow each time you left"...

These all describe scenes and feelings using the senses and encourage you to connect with memories you have in your own life of similar sensations and experiences. It follows then that if art is about arousing the senses, to be more creative ourselves and explore our full creative potential, we need to be in touch with our own senses as fully as we can.

In reality we often go about our business as if we were in a deep sea diving suit, almost entirely dulled to the sensations of the world around us. If we don't enjoy and appreciate our own senses, how can we possibly enrich what we create with a similar warmth and depth of sensation and feeling?

A great way to practice enhancing your senses is to fully focus on just one at a time.

Go somewhere new to you, where there's plenty of stimulation. It could be a busy city, or it could be in the depths of a forest, but make sure it's somewhere you're unfamiliar with. Take a sketchbook with you, then spend 5 minutes at least concentrating on each of your senses in turn, before writing down everything you experienced with that sense in your sketchbook after. Then move on to the next sense.

Return to a place you're far more familiar with the same plan. Spend time focusing on each sense and note down the sensations you feel. You'll be amazed at how much extra detail you're now aware of that you took for granted before. Repeat this sense arousing type of exercise regularly and it can't help but enhance your creativity.

Whatever you create, you'll be more of aware of the senses your art is stimulating, and how to make it more effective, more powerful, more sensual. Celebrate your senses today, and see the natural increase in your creativity.

How To Increase Creativity By Celebrating Your Senses
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Monday, September 3, 2012

Creativity Inspiration Techniques - Excellent Tips to Inspire Creativity

Creative inspiration techniques can help you get more ideas and solutions out of your head. We may think that some people are just naturally extra creative than others, but the truth is, we are all equipped with the capacity for being creative geniuses. We just have to tap in and nourish that potential through the right process.

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Each of us has dabbled in a particular field of our own choosing. If you have spent a great deal of time and effort in learning what you can in a certain area, then you already have a head start in inspiring creativity there. If you're already armed with knowledge and you exercise and use that knowledge, then these techniques will surely bring out creativity in you.

Never restrict yourself to only the things that you are used to. Be responsive and delve into new ideas and methods. Veer from the conventional at times and be more adventurous.

Creativity Inspiration Techniques - Excellent Tips to Inspire Creativity

Simple things and ordinary places are often dismissed to get inspiration from, but you'll be surprised that you can find hints to even explosive tidbits of inspiration in articles, print ads or even your own backyard. Creativity inspiration techniques don't need to be fancy. A trip to the Bahamas won't always guarantee inspiration.

Listening to binaural beats help inspire creativity. This scientific advancement will send you to a deep level of relaxation and meditative state while having a free flow of ideas. It will guide you to focus on valuable creative concepts that your brain comes up with. The best part is that you will know what path to take and be as productive as you can be.

Even if the only thing you can illustrate in paper is a ball or a stick man, this should never stop you from sketching your ideas. Visualize concepts through your head. You can even cut out pictures or get materials around you and create a collage. Remember that you are inspiring creativity so be bold and fearless. This exercise should make you feel good instead of being critical about yourself and your ideas.

Whoever said that daydreaming is a waste of time doesn't have goals and might be too busy! Imagination is one of the key aspects in coming up with solutions and new ideas! The important thing is to follow it up with action.

Remember that you have it in you to improve and be a success in whatever you do. The choice is yours to move either forward or back. Know which way will help you get to your destination.

Creativity Inspiration Techniques - Excellent Tips to Inspire Creativity

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